Dr. Yasha Smushkin Photo


Elite Hockey Agility Pyramid

The opinion that hockey player can be born with advance mental and physical agility is a nonsense. This quality is formed in childhood between the age 6 and 16. Before age 12 hockey players develop dexterity and skating maneuverability and only after age 12 develop agile physical power and mental agility. After puberty, the formation of physical and mental agility slows down and becoming a things of the past.

Elite Hockey Agility means skillfulness in the use of hands (dexterity), body and mine (resourcefulness) as well as readiness to move quickly, easily and accurately. Resourcefulness is at center of agility and a complex of several abilities: make proper solutions to a game situations quickly: anticipation, is ability to predict opponent's preparatory movements; inventiveness is creativity to invent a new movements; transferability is ability of body and mine make proper changes suddenly and rapidly.

In a real hockey game a player must not only be
able to skate, but he must skate agile.

Learning hockey individual skills is nonsense without 6 compulsory physical abilities development.

Dr. Smushkin's EHAP consist of 10 different components of physical and mental abilities which are Interconnected. Each of components, taken separately, may be regarded as a single variation of EHAP. Basic hockey skills (forwards, backward, turning or stopping) and EHAP development is not the same techniques of individual player's mastery. In real hockey game a player must not only be able to skate, but he must skate agile. This is similar to passing a labyrinth, to downhill skier in slalom or butterfly in the air. EHAP training system develops the player both mentally and physically to "read and react" quickly and accurately to be, at any moment of the game, in right place and in the right time.

EHAP putting a player through 3 consecutive stages of development:

Without progressive learning algorithm (step by step), development hockey skills become dilatants Teaching and unqualified learning!

Dr. Smushkin's EHAP training system today is one and only in the hockey world which has scientific classification of progressive learning algorithm (step by step) for individual skills development and performance.

All skills exercises are grounded on the principles of biology, physiology and bio mechanics for the children ages. This scientific foundation make EHAP training system universally applicable: any player regardless of back round, who is put through the EHAP training system with consistency, acquires not only superior skating agility and dexterity with stick-puck control, but also better attention, perceptive vision and thinking.

Even good skating skills and super body fitness cannot slowdown the rhythm of the game situation.

Only Elite Hockey Agility can do this!